Funny Lady at Dentist Talks About Boyfriends Friend

Good Luck Chuck (2007) Poster

Really funny

This comedy is really funny. I enjoyed watching it.

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5 /10

Dane Cook not that bad in this but the movie is still not funny

Charlie Logan (Dane Cook) has been hexed by a disgruntled girl since a childhood game of spin the bottle gone wrong. He is now a womanizing dentist. His best friend Stu (Dan Fogler) since childhood is now the plastic surgeon next door. Charlie gets a reputation as a good luck charm. Every woman he sleeps with finds their dream beau immediately after splitting up. He is enchanted by bumbling Cam Wexler (Jessica Alba). Cam is leery of Charlie's womanizing reputation, and Charlie doesn't want Cam to find her dream man.

There is something about Dane Cook that annoys me to no end. It's some kind of annoying smugness in his persona. At least, Dan Fogler is outdoing him on that front in this movie. Cook isn't that bad in this movie. And there is the adorable Jessica Alba. However it's still not a good comedy.

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5 /10

Better luck next time, Dane

A very uneven comedy. If 3 out of every 10 jokes working is enough for you, then go ahead.

If you're hoping to see Dane Cook (nearly) undressed, you won't be disappointed. He strips more in this movie than Demi Moore in "Striptease".

If you're hoping to see Jessica Alba undressed -- too bad! Scanty attire is the best you'll get.

If you're hoping to see Dane be as funny as he is in his stand-up -- you'll be disappointed.

If you're hoping to see Jessica be funny -- what are you, nuts? She's got no comedy chops! And that old tired "pretty girl falls down a lot" shtick wasn't funny when it became a movie cliché about 5 years ago.

The only funny moments seem to be when Dane is improvising. When he's doing the written parts of the script, it clunks hard. (Him dressed in a penguin costume? Yikes.) The two leads try SO hard to show us they have chemistry (a lot of shoulder wiggling and cutesy facial expressions mostly) that it backfires.

There were a lot of gross-out moments that just weren't funny -- the fat sidekick scrubbing his backflap with a scrub-brush for sexual pleasure, a penguin eating his crap, two seduction scenes with obese women (straight out of "Norbit" -- also unfunny).

The sidekick is so foul and obnoxious he throws the movie completely off-balance. You feel like the movie needs a sorbet after one of his scenes to get the bad taste out of your mouth.

The only likable person was the guy playing Jessica's brother (Lonny Ross of "30 Rock"). I actually think he might have made a better romantic lead, than Dane -- who was somehow off-putting.

Maybe Dane will have more input into his next comedy movie. Maybe that will help.

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6 /10

I laughed a lot. Forgive me.

Warning: Spoilers

What do I care about credibility? I thought that "Good Luck Chuck" was funny.

Of course it goes without saying that "Good Luck Chuck" really is a load of rubbish. However, it does deliver exactly what it says on the tin (or in the trailer) and you can hardly complain about being misled if you hand over your pounds, dollars, rand or groats to see it.

"Good Luck Chuck" is gross, crass, sexist, probably misogynist, has lots and lots of gratuitous nudity (even if the lovely Jessica Alba's no nudity clause just about manages to stay intact - boo, hiss!), fat jokes, slapstick comedy and penguin porn.

Actually, thinking about it, "Good Luck Chuck" has a pretty good setup for a porno comedy. Dentist Charlie is cursed in that every woman he sleeps with eventually leaves him and finds true love in the arms of their very next partner. Women flock to Charlie and that's great, but then Charlie meets his perfect girl. Can Charlie break the curse?

'Course he can. But you knew that.

As romantic comedies go, "Good Luck Chuck" isn't bad. There are a lot worse movies about.

I laughed a lot. Forgive me.

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2 /10

Good luck surviving this one...

To make a good romantic flick, you must include a nice blend of humor, heart, romance (obviously), drama, and realism. Good Luck Chuck contains none of this. Packing in excessive nudity, pointless scenes, unnecessary crude humor, and predictable physical humor in a matter of 90-something minutes, this film flounders from the beginning, flops mostly throughout, and begins to reek towards the climax and the ending. Missed opportunities are much more common than laughs in this heap of disaster, which also includes a very generic musical score, wooden acting, and borrowed material. Perhaps the only good that comes from this is Jessica Alba, whose sexy and innocent charm keeps this movie afloat, albeit barely.

Good Luck Chuck is a totally different movie from the one advertised. The ads showed that this movie was going to be a charming romantic movie featuring plenty of Cook and plenty of Alba. Unfortunately, we get crude Dane Cook and very little Jessica Alba, and then plenty of preventable boobs. The story here revolves around Chuck (Dane Cook), a man who from a young age receives a hex that allows for him to get with women, but whenever they leave him the next man that female meets will be "The One." He takes advantage of this curse until he realizes that he will become love-deprived as long as the hex exists. In the middle of the crisis he meets a beautiful penguin expert Cam (Jessica Alba) whom instantly brings out the best in him.

Explaining why the film fails would require a lot more words than allowed, so let's just point out the major issues. Let's begin with the writing. It was a good idea turned sour with filler material, terrible jokes, and no heart. Our main character isn't exactly likable until he is on the brink of destruction over our lead female. Chuck's best friend is an even more disgustingly awful character in more ways than one. The lack of chemistry between everybody in the movie is a major concern, but between the two best friends is far beyond awful. The only consistently likable character once again is Cam. Attempting to reach the college crowd, we see plenty of cleavage, undressing, and Frat pack-style humor. Unfortunately, it fails to bring in the heart and good content that the recent Frat Pack movies contain. Unlike the adult comedies we've seen recently, this movie tries much too hard to earn the "R" rating, and it only takes away from its appeal. Has too much crudeness to be considered a date movie, even with its romantic plot entangled.

Dane Cook is overrated on stand-up, and not any better on-screen. Perhaps with good direction, we can see a decent romantic comedic lead out of him, but that is about it. His improvising fails, his line are sometimes delivered flat, and he just doesn't have the charm that we see in Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, or Seth Rogen. On the other hand, Jessica Alba pulls a nice performance as the beautiful yet hard-to-get Cam. A noteworthy oddity is that in the previews it shows that she is very clumsy, yet in the film it's a trait that becomes quickly forgotten. She handles herself well with the little material she is given, as she gives the movie its bit of energy that it desperately needs time and time again. Every other female in the movie was in it only because her jugs were a respectable size or in order to be ridiculed by everyone else.

The main issue of Good Luck Chuck is that it is totally unaware of what it is; it is unsure of what kind of movie it should be—then it winds up failing on every genre it tried imitating. Trailer shows it's a quirky romantic comedy—failure. Then in the movie we see an attempt to gross us out, an attempt to arose us with all the nudity, then tries to teach us about love by offering a bit of sentimental value—failure. Fires on all cylinders but miss every single time. It is extremely hard to take this movie seriously in terms of the lovey-dovey material when we see an entire montage of Dane Cook sleeping with different women or there is a moment dedicated to seeing a penguin eating his own feces.

First-time director Mark Helfrich should know better than to riddle this good idea with clichés, explored ideas, and Dane Cook material. Helfrich has been in the business for a very long time, and could have really spun this short story by Steve Glenn into a creative romantic comedy. Instead, it tries much too hard to be like Old School, Wedding Crashers, 40-Year-Old Virgin, and other R-comedies that have helmed a good amount of money. To be able to predict the next several scenes in the movie is never really a good sign either.

Bottom Line: A mess from start to finish, we once again see Dane Cook trying to transfer his success from the mic into the movie screens but with no success at all. It does not help that he has an untalented cast of writers and cameramen behind this trash, but Cook's inability to expand his brand of humor isn't exactly easy to work with either. Besides Alba, there are no admirable traits in this movie, and that even includes the grotesque amount of nudity—and the critic reviewing this is a male. It takes guts to destroy a film that has beautiful women in almost every scene, but Good Luck Chuck does exactly that. If it had stuck to what the trailer was presenting, there could have been some hope. Good Luck Chuck ends up being like the best friend in the movie: crude, offensive, unworthy, pointless, and just all-around an annoyance. Skip this pile of fish droppings.

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8 /10

An interesting lucky charm

Charlie (a.k.a. Chuck) becomes cursed at 10 years old by a girl of the same age, who secretly loved him. From there on, every woman that slept with him will automatically meet and marry the man of her dreams. He enjoyed this "situation" for quite a while until he met his own true love, but in order to keep her, he must undo this curse before it's too late.

I like the ideology of this movie, the whole part of Chuck being a lucky charm gives it something special. Furthermore, being presented as a comedy makes it even better (there are a lot of very funny moments in which I couldn't stop laughing) but unfortunately it lacks a bit of complexity making it often predictable which somehow spoils the enthusiasm, not to mention the ending which is rushed and comes "out of nowhere". Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie but leaves the impression that it could have been better!

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6 /10

Many funny parts in a not-so-funny movie.

If you like Dane Cook then chances are you have seen his movies and while Good Luck Chuck is better and in some instances funnier, it still is just another Employee of the Month. I personally enjoy Dane Cook's humor and I thought Employee of the Month was....decent. I was hoping Good Luck Chuck would be a hilarious smash hit but throughout the advanced screening I kept thinking to myself "Okay well this is funny but it's so typical." Now I don't want to give anything away but let's just say if you've seen at least one romantic comedy in your life then you know the entire story of Good Luck Chuck already.

Don't get me wrong, I laughed pretty much all the way through the movie although there were occasional points where it died down a little. Sad to say there were only a few really memorable funny parts to the movie though. Most was just slapstick style humor and revolting sex jokes. The humor in Good Luck Chuck was by far raunchier than Employee of the Month but then again that was PG-13 and this is R.

I mentioned that the movie was typical and when I say typical I mean every romantic movie cliché possible was used. It was like they took a blueprint for a love story and then just added Dane Cook and Jessica Alba and then made them do funny things. Granted there are moments where they stray a little or add a funny twist to the formula but it definitely didn't take long to come up with the progression of love in the film.

If you want your next dose of laughter after Superbad then go see Good Luck Chuck but don't expect anything new or inventive in terms of storytelling. It is however something to note that there are tons of sex scenes, lots of boobs, extremely raunchy jokes, and Jessica Alba does not reveal any body parts although some side boob can be glanced for a brief moment in the movie. (Just an FYI for all those who were dying to know)

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4 /10

Good luck to those who watch this!

Warning: Spoilers

Ermm....All I can say if you want to watch a movie with load of sexual content, nudity and dumb laughs, you may like it. If you want to watch a clever flick, this is not for you. Well, you may get some laughs, it is not bad but it is not good; that means it is just an average movie. Basically, I thought I would have fun watching it as the hot Jessica Alba stars in it.

The story is dead simple, Dane Cook's character was chosen to sleep with a girl but he did not want to and this goth girl cursed him. The future comes, those girls who slept with him will find their true love but not him. Chuck ( Dane Cook) wants romance and meets Cam ( Jessica Alba) he soon falls in love with her, the rest of the story is the usual type of romance. The amusing parts are when Cam seems to be always a careless girl, like when closing the door of a car and then her skirt gets stuck in it and the she pulls....her skirt gets ripped. The funny thing about this movie. It tries hard to get people laughing with its sexual contents and the usual banging into items. You got a choice to watch this. Whatever your taste is, Jessica alba is still hot. Jessica alba is starting to be a famous actress, her upcoming movies- Awake and The Eye. If you think you will laugh at all funny sexual contents and dumb scenes, you will laugh at it. Some people may find funny and some do not.

Those who can't bear to see foolish people banging into items like a lamppost and those who hate disgusting jokes, steer away.

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Vaguely amusing but the vast majority is aimed at people who still laugh when they hear the word "booby"

When young Charlie has a bad experience with a goth girl after a game of spin the bottle, he gets a curse put on him but thinks nothing on it. A casual comment at a wedding of an ex reveals suggests that whenever he sleeps with a woman, the next man she meets will be her true love and she will get married. At first sceptical, Charlie is soon convinced by his friend Stu to ride the "curse" for all he has got which, thanks to a mix of the internet and desperate young women, he is soon deep in "it" on a nightly basis. It is during this period though that he meets the clumsy but gorgeous Cam and finds they have great chemistry – indeed he likes her so much that he cannot risk the "curse" being real and sets out to break it before he consummates the relationship with Cam.

I watched this film because of the sheer amount of bile that it had had piled onto it made me curious to see what it was about this film that justified it. Watching it for myself I have to confess as to being a bit mystified as to why this film was so slated because really it is no worse in regards laughs or taste that loads of other basic comedies that rely heavily on goofy sexual comedy and a weak plot to appeal to an audience of teenage boys. That is not to say that the film is any good though, because it isn't by any means, just that it is not the end of the world as we know it. Instead it is a mildly amusing film that is built on a poor idea, dumb plot and has some moments that are a matter of gross-out style comedy. As such it does the absolute basics and produced the odd chuckle from me along the way but no doubt it was not a "comedy" as I would like to think of it.

The script is poor but the film is helped a lot more than it deserves by a couple of good(ish) performances. I know may people hate him but, while I don't particularly like Cook, he does have a certain charm to him when he gets the right pitch from his material. He does play it too cocky too often (but then he has kissed Alba) but he is still a decent enough person for this type of thing. Alba deserves a lot better than this – maybe not for her actual talent but certainly for her current fame, it does her career no good to be in the sort of thing that sort pretty rising starlet should be getting. As it is her character is thankless and it is, as usual, her looks and girly giggle/wiggle that carries her through it. Having just seen him in Balls of Fury, I quite liked seeing Fogler again – a simple character to provide crude laughs but he plays it well.

I am being kind to this film, maybe to offset some of the kicking it has gotten but please remember that Good Luck Chuck is not any good. A few chuckles are all the casual viewer will get while they suffer the constant nudity and crudity that is aimed at children and no matter how much the cast work it, there simply isn't the material there to work with. Not the end of the world then – just another banal, sub-par comedy.

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3 /10

Pretty Funny

Okay, I thought that this movie was going to be extremely crude from what my friends told me. Honestly, it wasn't really that bad, I laughed and enjoyed it; it wasn't Dumb and Dumber, but it was pretty good. I don't know why Richard Roper said it was extremely crude and terrible, he's stupid if you ask me. Now there was a lot more sex then I expected, but if you can handle that montage of sex scenes, then you will enjoy the rest of the movie. It was better than Superbad, I'll tell you that much, I liked it and I hope that some people will give it a chance, rather than listen to Roper and not see it. This movie is for mature viewers, that I agree with, but it is not one of the worst movies of 2007.

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7 /10

A guy's rom-com

This is the story of Charlie, a dentist and all around guy's guy. He convinces himself that he will never find a woman to settle down with and that he is little more that a stepping stone for women to meet their soulmates. This of course becomes a running joke for a goodly part of the movie.At a wedding for one of his exs, Charlie meets Cam, a nervous, extremely clumsy woman, and he sets his eyes on her. She plays hard to get, and the audience is left hoping that they connect and end up together.

This is a pretty funny movie with A LOT of sex in it. The sex is related to the good luck charm feeling Charlie has, and some of the scenarios in which he finds himself are funny. This would have been a better movie with a different actor in the lead role. Dane Cook is a funny comedian, but not the best actor.

Anyone easily offended should avoid this movie, which is what, like 75% of the world that is under 30 years old???

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7 /10

Jessica Alba is great in this comedy film

The first scene of this film is at a party in 1985, where the protagonist rejects a girl. She puts a curse on him which makes everyone who has sex with him find her dream partner very soon afterwards.

The rest of the film takes place in the present day. Loads of women want sex with him once, because the curse makes him a 'stepping stone' to them finding their dream lover.

Chuck has an on-off relationship with Cam, who is played very well by Jessica Alba.

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4 /10

Stupid sex comedy, but has it's moments although very few. It's watchable.

There has been some good Rated R comedies, this isn't one of them. Chuck(Dane Cook) has a curse on him by some goth girl so every time he has sex with a girl, the girl finds the man of there dreams the next time they go on a date. Some may think of this as being lucky cause just about every girl wants to have sex with Chuck, but soon he comes across Cam Wexler(Jessica Alba) who is the girl of his dreams. Dane Cook plays a sweet guy that has respect for women, which I highly doubt he is in real life. Cause just about every girl in this movie is shallow and dumb, superstitious slut including Cam Wexler who is Jessica Alba's character. She tries to make her character seem clumsy, cute and a bit ditsy but she just comes across as clumsy, ditsy, dumb and a bit psychotic. Chuck is a dopey dentist and works in the same building as his best friend Stu(Dan Fogler). I never found Dan Fogler to be that funny and he tries to go with the gross humor in this one but just ends up being gross than funny and is a bit of a annoying character, which is okay if he is funny, but he is not funny. There is a scene in this film where it shows Dane Cook having sex with multiple girls since the screen gets split up into multiple section while he is performing the Kama Sutra, which was unique but not that tasteful. And the best scene in the whole movie besides the parts that show off Jessica Alba's assets is the scene where Dane Cook gets bit in the crotch by a penguin. I get the feeling that the creators knew that sex sells so they just tried to go with what they thought was going to be a big hit. Plus the jokes aren't even clever, they just throw in bunch of repulsive nonsense and expect the audience to laugh. Despite it having a lot of flaws it did somewhat have it's moments and was somewhat entertaining, but nothing is special about this film. With it's slapstick style humor and revolting sex jokes, which is cool if it was funny or at least amusing.


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1 /10

Offensive, unfunny, awkward comedy

Good Luck Chuck is so embarrassing for everyone involved. Oh my goodness this film is bad. I feel so sorry for Dane Cook and Jessica Alba and the all the supporting actors involved. This film is just so below amateur and full of middle school humor that it's embarrassing. It reminds me of a typical straight middle school boy's brain. Random naked women bouncing on top of Dane Cook, an absolutely terrible male best friend who is the most offensive character ever, and disgusting crude humor. The script is filled to the brim with poor humor that just falls flat and doesn't amuse or entertain in the least. It's also got very lazy dialogue that does nothing to make the audience want to stay and keep watching. I will say that I actually don't think Dane Cook is a terrible actor, I just think that he wasn't getting any other offers and this came across his desk and he took it because it was work. I think the same is true for Jessica Alba, I mean just think about it, why would any actor or actress that is doing well with their career choose this project to work on? They wouldn't. And I know they wouldn't because this is a sucky movie that is boring, disgusting, lazy, poorly acted, and very unfunny. I sincerely hope that both Cook and Alba's acting careers improve and that good offers are offered instead of this mess. 1/10.

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10 /10

Good Luck Chuck

Warning: Spoilers

Yesterday a friend and I wanted to rent a movie. So I suggested "Good Luck Chuck." So we rented it and saw it and it was one of the funnier movies I have seen this year. After seeing it I went on IMDb to see what other people have said. And this movie was given an overwhelmingly large pile of bad reviews. The one main complaint that I saw was that there were too many sex jokes. But what people don't understand is that the sex ties in with the premise of the movie. What I mean is the movie is about a guy that has sex with women and then they get married. So if that doesn't sound interesting to you then why would you pay $10.50 to see it. Another factor is that there is not only one kind of comedy. This is a raunchy comedy and on that point it delivers what it said it would. So maybe you should rent it instead.

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1 /10

Bad Luck Chuck!

Warning: Spoilers

"Good Luck, Chuck" qualifies as the kind of uninspired, R-rated romantic sex comedy that gives a bad name to inspired, R-rated, romantic sex comedies. "Good Luck, Chuck" is nowhere as hilarious as "The 40-Year Old Virgin," "Wedding Crashers," "Knocked Up" and "Super Bad." This misogynistic, lowest-common denominator nonsense establishes its idiotic premise with a prologue set in 1985. Amorous 11-year old Goth chick Anisha (Sash Pieterse of "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl 3-D") puts a hex on our 10-year old hero. It seems that the two were playing a spin-the-bottle kissing contest. Young Charlie (Connor Price of "Cinderella Man") refused to put a lip-lock on Anisha after she cornered him in a closet, tore his shirt off, and then raked her nails across his chest. Incensed by his rejection, Anisha condemns Charlie by casting a spell on him that dooms him to a life of perennial bachelorhood. Single women flock to Charlie Logan because they believe that he is their surefire, good luck charm. After these dames share their love with our hapless hero, they find true love with the next guy and live a life of matrimonial bliss! Reportedly, first-time scenarist Josh Stolberg based his shallow, tasteless, pedestrian screenplay on the experiences of "Good Luck, Chuck" associate producer Steve Glenn.

Now that he's a grown up, Charlie Logan (stand-up comic Dane Cook of "Employee of the Month") practices dentistry. As Charlie explains to Cam Wexler (Jessica Alba of "Sin City") in a later scene, he couldn't cut it in medical school, so he went into dentistry, much to the chagrin of his parents. Meanwhile, Charlie's chubby best childhood friend with an X-rated mind, goggle-eyed Stuart Klaminsky (Dan Fogler of "Balls of Fury"), earns a fortune as a plastic surgeon that specializes in breast reconstruction. He wheels himself around in a decked out Hummer, while Charlie cruises about in a vintage Thunderbird convertible. Charlie and Stuart's offices face each other on the same floor in a high-rise medical building. Stuart's fixation on breast culture is so obsessive that he owns Pam Anderson's former breast implants. He maintains these artifacts in pristine condition in an oak trophy case in his clinic. Unlike Charlie, however, Stuart has zero luck with the ladies. Meanwhile, Charlie has girls lining up constantly for him after the word gets around that girls can find Mr. Right after an evening with him. Eventually, Charlie tires of being treated like a sex object, especially after he meets Cam and falls madly in love with Cam. She works as a penguin caretaker at Aqua World, and her friends have nicknamed her "Murphy" because she is such a klutz. Like Charlie, Cam has a sidekick, her slacker brother Joe (Lonny Ross of TV's "30 Rock") who smokes pot. All of the wisdom that Joe imparts to his sister comes from using the pages from a philosophy textbook as rolling papers for his marihuana. Charlie grows so attached to Cam that he refuses to sleep with her. Our hero fears that Anisha's hex on him is genuine and that Cam will fall in love with the next knucklehead that she dates. Charlie is so upset that he tries to prove that the curse is all in his mind. He dates a girl so grotesquely fat that nobody would have anything to do with her. Unfortunately, Charlie discovers that even this obese girl discovers true love. Ultimately, Charlie tracks down the now grown up Anisha (Michelle Harrison of "Paycheck") and tries to persuade her to remove the hex. Amused at his misfortune, she assures Charlie that she didn't know what she was doing when she cast her spell.

"Good Luck, Chuck" scrapes the bottom of the barrel for inspiration. This 99-minute cinematic eyesore portrays women as numbskull nymphomaniacs. They are either sexually driven opportunists who use Charlie as a stepping-stone stud to the next guy or, as in the case of leading lady Jessica Alba, are accident prone buffoons. Alba gets her best laugh when she walks smack into the pole and knocks herself flat on her back. This scene made me laugh in the trailer, and I laughed again at it in the movie. Basically, "Good Luck, Chuck" amounts to the contemporary equivalent of a stag party. Guys will split their sides laughing hysterically at Dane Cook's amorous antics as well as "Balls of Fury" star Dan Fogler's lewd, crude, scatological humor. In sum, Fogler steals every scene as the hero's smutty-mouthed sidekick. Guys, after you see "Good Luck, Chuck," you'll chuckle every time that you see grapefruit.

Veteran film editor-turned-director Mark Helfrich and Stolberg leave little to the imagination. After all, the audiences for this politically incorrect, chauvinistic sex comedy like their humor as low brow as possible with a nod to frontal nudity. No, image conscious Jessica Alba maintains her dignity without stooping to frontal nudity. Unfortunately, Helfrich and Stolberg do little to make the Charlie & Cam romance memorable. Later scenes where Charlie stalks Cam to keep her from dating the next guy are more witless than witty. Mind you, Charlie and Cam both are likable, goofy characters, but they are not very interesting.

"Good Luck, Chuck" lives up to its R-rating with split-scene shots of gratuitous soft-core sex acts, persistent profanity, and the inevitable bowel & groin humor. Apparently, the only reason that the producers made Cam into a penguin caretaker was to cash in on the current penguin craze created by movies like "Happy Feet" and "March of the Penguins." Altogether, this lame lascivious comedy peters out of laughs long before its happy ending. "Good Luck, Chuck" deserves a nod for its last minute homage to the Arnold Schwarzenegger sci-fi movie "Total Recall" for those who like to stick around and watch the end credits.

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4 /10

Had potential, but the cast was all wrong, if you ask me

Warning: Spoilers

I was pretty scared seeing Good Luck Chuck after seeing all the bad reviews on IMDb, the rating just seems to be going down and down. But my friend wanted to see it today, so we saw it, while I didn't think it's the worst movie I've seen, it's definitely a flop in some ways. I'm not trying to be mean or anything like that, just that the plot did have some great potential for a fun comedy, but I think it was the cast that blew it. Dane Cook was alright, but he's not believable as a sensitive male and his character at the end of the film wasn't that likable or funny. Jessica Alba doesn't work well in comedies, she's the looks, that's it, her character was just a ditz and made you wonder why she was supposed to be so perfect for the role of Charlie's girlfriend. And who ever the heck decided to cast Dan Fogler as Charlie's best friend was sorely mistaken, because I just wanted to smack his character to death, he was so obnoxious.

Charlie is only 10 at his first girl/boy party and when he doesn't do a goth girl a favor by kissing her, she hexes him to make him where if he sleeps with a girl, she breaks up with him and moves onto the next guy to marry him. Now grown up, Charlie and his perverted best friend, Stu claim it's just an urban legend. But when it's proving multiple times that every girl he sleeps with is getting married to another guy right afterwards, Stu encourages Charlie to just take advantage. But that all changes when Charlie meets a clumsy girl, Cam and of course because of the hex, he can't sleep with her until it's put to the ultimate test of if he's really cursed or not.

The main problem with Good Luck Chuck isn't just the cast, it's the characters, they were not well written and not that likable. Stu was just plain annoying and so not funny. Jessica was just alright and Dane wasn't believable. Also some of the jokes were a little out there and not really that funny, like the joke with the "fat and mean" girl, it was stereotypical and pretty rude. I'm not that sensitive, but it was just a little low in my opinion. Good Luck Chuck is a below average comedy that is more of a rental than a watch at the theater, so I suggest you just wait.


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4 /10

Nothing special

Keep your expectations low and you'll enjoy 'Good Luck Chuck.' Overall, the movie is generic and predictable. Cook and Alba do good jobs with a paper-thin script and add some great moments with the physical humor such as the flying dental tools and jump starting Dane Cook as seen in the trailer. However, this is also one of those movies where most of the best punchlines are in the trailer which is disappointing.

Expect lots of nudity from everyone including Cook but not Alba. 'Chuck' comes well stocked with lots of naked girls and breast jokes. However, be warned if you're trying to make this a date movie and know there are some very crude parts to this movie. 'Chuck' definitely earns his 'R' rating.

Cook doesn't evolve much from 'Employee of the Month' here but he is enjoyable. Alba is decent at the comedy. Together they have a alright chemistry but the movie is so typical it takes away from the overall experience.

One last note. Cook's sidekick, played by Dan Fogler, is extremely annoying and ruins the momentum of the movie on more than one occasion.

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7 /10

Smell what Dane is cooking

There was a particular point in time, where Dane Cook was cast as romantic lead ... in raunchy comedies mostly. And I was a bit surprised Netflix had this in the uncut/unrated form. It's not that much longer, but has a few more bits ... to show. No pun intended.

Although if that offends you, do not even think about watching the movie. Sensibilities be damned, but the movie has more than a couple of scenes that might make you cringe to say the least. Be it the crazy (cursed) individual of your choice (the bad luck Alba or the only once a woman getting lucky Cook) or the best friend of our male lead ... who seems to share the title "creep" with his buddy.

Again there is much to hate, but there can be also much to love. It all depends on how much slack you are willing to cut the movie ... because it is a movie or if you are not able to go there and just plain hate it for the cliches it serves up for a laugh (or tries to serve up for a laugh) ...

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1 /10

one of the worst movies i've ever seen

Warning: Spoilers

first off, i don't understand why or how dane cook became so successful. there is nothing funny about him. he doesn't tell jokes - he relates "stories" with very animated facial and physical gestures. and, often, looks like a monkey. dan fogler, too, is quite possibly the most annoying human being on the planet... especially his character in this movie. he is a disgusting, misogynistic pig. i would love for lionsgate to make "hostel III" starring dane cook and dan fogler - that would be a movie i would pay to see twice. now, on to the movie itself: the concept is ludicrous and makes absolutely no sense. seriously, this film must have been written by and made for people with nonexistent IQ's... because anybody that can tie their own shoes would realize how absurd this movie is and would never plunk down $10 for this piece of cinematic tripe. to even suggest that hundreds of beautiful women could never find a decent man on their own, and would have to resort to sleeping with a d-bag like dane cook to find a husband, is an offense to women everywhere. this movie is so incredibly misogynistic... where women are depicted as clueless, desperate pieces of "t+a"... that even i, a man and non-feminist, was offended by it. and we're supposed to like this schmuck because he agrees to sleep with his overweight secretary out of the goodness of his heart and says, "i'll only think of you (when we have sex)." please. please, please, please, if there is any justice in the world this movie will make $2 at the box office and garbage like this will STOP BEING MADE! this movie is not funny - it is an insult to anyone with a brain or a heart. just see "knocked up" or "superbad" instead, to see how to actually make a comedy that is both hilarious and heartfelt.

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6 /10

Comedy, Alba and Boobs "Oh My"!

Warning: Spoilers


Good Luck Chuck is at it's base your typical guy meets girl, guy falls in love with girl, guy messes it up and girl gets mad, guy has to try and win girl back film. But it is funny.

The basis of the film and the belief of the main character Charlie Logan (Dane Cook) is absurd. Charlie believes that as a result of him sleeping with a girl, the girl then finds true love and gets married to the next man she meets. Hey it's a comedy and this is Hollywood so it serves it's purpose. The problem arises however when Charlie meets the cute and clumsy Cam Wexler (Jessica Alba). Cam has her guard up at first but lets it down to Charlie and the two have a good old time that is until Charlie can not help himself from sleeping with Cam- and who could. After sleeping with Cam, Charlie is afraid he will lose her so he goes balls to the wall (stalker style) in order to show his love and affection for Cam. This in turn pushes her away and we then have the protagonists struggle to win the girl back.

This is an overall good comedy with funny parts throughout although it does suffer in certain areas. Alba is a feast for the eyes, especially in her underwear and her acting helps hold together the very poor performance of Cook, who's performance should have changed the name of the movie to "Good Luck Dane" for his likelihood of ever getting an acting gig again. But again, this is a comedy so we aren't excepting an Oscar dance from him. Alba's clumsiness at times gets a bit much and overdone however it doesn't quite get to the point of annoying. The standout in this movie other than the adorableness of Jessica Alba is that of Stu (Dan Fogler). He out shines Cook's performance both comedically and acting wise, which will surely land him in many more buddy comedies. I would definitely recommend this movie for a good laugh, Jessica Alba and how could I ever forget the barrage of boob shots (unfortunately none of which are Alba's). My overall score considering this is a comedy is 6 out of 10.

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4 /10

Good Luck Trying to Laugh at This.

Warning: Spoilers

Good Luck Chuck (2007): Dir: Mark Helfrich / Cast: Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Dan Fogler, Annie Wood, Chelan Simmons: Vulgar comedy about pursuing relationships for sheer thrill. Chuck is hexed by a goth chick at a birthday party when he was young and as a result every woman who sleeps with him finds love with the next guy. This leads to numerous offers until he meets an accident prone penguin expect whom he falls for. Fine setup nearly destroyed by predictable story telling and insincerity. Director Mark Helfrich does his best but the material despite potential, just isn't as funny as it should be. Dane Cook does a fine job as Chuck who ends up warding off Alba in hopes of keeping her while also becoming a test object for the gratification of others. Jessica Alba is miscast and the accident prone aspect seems to disappear. Eventually Cook's pursuit becomes creepy as oppose to funny leaving an ending that lacks sincerity. Dan Fogler has his moments as Cook's perverted best friend but the role is standard and typical at best. Annie Wood is also featured among supporting cast, as well as Chelan Simmons playing an ex- girlfriend of Chuck's who ought to have her head examined. The film seems poised as a bad sexual escapade that might have sounded great as a pitch idea. Otherwise viewers are wished good luck in watching it and urged to chuck it. Score: 4 ½ / 10

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1 /10

Shallow, soft-porn fairy tale

Bad movies can be bad in many different ways. Pretentiousness, art-house arrogance, snobbery, condescending attitude, etc... or they can just be plain silly. This one belongs to the latter category. A moronic, male-oriented, adult fairy tale of childish men and blonde bimbos, who live in a world where nobody is over 35 and their only problem is getting laid.

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7 /10

Humorous with a message.

Warning: Spoilers

Good Luck Chuck was a good move as far as I'm concerned. The plot behind it was pretty generic but I think the idea of Dane Cook having a curse that potentially allows him to get laid all the time is great, but what was good is that they show him in his "prime" so to speak, but then also show that he's finally found someone , as cheesy as it is, that he loves for once. With the constant misfortunes of his new found love, and his inability to act upon his feelings for fear of losing her, Good Luck Chuck does a good job at getting the message across while still making you laugh. So if your looking for a home-run of a film this one may not be it, but its definitely worth the time to see.

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1 /10

Horrifically Bad

I approached this film with an open mind. The reviews had been bad but I films of this genre generally do. Besides any movie with Jessica Alba is worth a try in my opinion!

The concept is good enough and should form a strong comedic element but I laughed about once throughout the movie. I don't know if it's just me but I found the opening kind of wrong and uncomfortable. The kids looked about 10 or 11 and the goth girl asks Charlie to show her his penis! She then forces herself onto him and curses him thus setting up the movie. I just found it unlikely that an 11 year old girl would act or talk in that way.

Despite this weird opening I was still confident it could be a decent movie. I was wrong. Problem? Dane Cook. I saw Employee of the Month (pretty poor but not as bas as this) and Dan In Real Life (good apart from Cook) and found Cook to be intensely irritating. If you think Ben Stiller is annoying with his constant 'I'm a good guy who's unlucky in love' then you should see Dane Cook. He can't act, he isn't funny and his gormless expression which is intended to show emotion just grates after awhile.

So basically every girl who is with him then goes onto meet Mr Right after they split up with him. Predictability ensues and his thoroughly unlikable friend makes the film drag with few jokes capable of raising a laugh. The shame here is that Alba is sweet and the scenes around the penguins are amusing with her brother and her clumsiness raising this film to acceptable. Also the scenes with Alba and Cook before they date are funny with Alba's incredible bad luck with accidents.

This is where the film peaks however, it then steadily declines into absolute trash. It is impossible to care for the relationship. All I was thinking was that Alba should get a new agent because this is atrocious. Cook takes the movie to absurd levels with an over the top display of love in which he seems to become more of a stalker than admirer.

I doubt that many of you will last long through this movie. Believe me the ending isn't worth waiting for. And a warning to you all is do not stay for the credits. I was greeted by the most disgusting and distasteful image that you'll see.

Good Luck Chuck is basically a rom-com with a nastiness to it. It's like the makers were trying to make a trashy sex comedy with a heart. They failed. This movie would have been far more successful had it cut out all the lewdness and Dane Cook!

I don't mind a sex comedy which has outright lewdness and isn't trying to give it any heart. American Pie presents Beta House for instance is pointless but fun because it is meant to disgust and amuse in equal measure. It doesn't have a story and you don't care about the characters, but at least it's not trying. With Good Luck Chuck you feel as though they were trying and this is the biggest tragedy of all.

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